图片尺寸:2603 × 3547 像素
作品名称:Midsummer dance
创作者:安德斯·佐恩 Anders Zorn
现位于:Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
实际尺寸:117.5 x 90 cm
版权信息:Public Domain(公有領域)
《仲夏之舞》是瑞典艺术家安德斯·佐恩于1897年创作的一幅布面油画。这幅画有三个版本;最著名的一个版本在斯德哥尔摩国家博物馆展出。另一个版本是在同一时期画的,现在在莫斯科的普希金博物馆展出。第三个版本是一个美国收藏家在1903年委托的,画幅较小(117.5 x 90),属于私人所有。
Midsummer Dance is an oil on canvas painting by the Swedish artist Anders Zorn from 1897. There are three versions of the painting; the most famous one is exhibited at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Another version, painted at the same time, is now exhibited at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. A third version, commissioned by an American collector in 1903, is in a smaller format (117.5 x 90) and in private ownership.
The Painting depicts a traditional Swedish Midsummer celebration in the Province of Dalarna. In the background to the right there is a maypole with a Swedish flag at the top. The dancers are all wearing Folk costumes. In the House with a red gable the first morning light is reflected.
The depicted village, Morkarlby outside Mora, is not far from Zorn’s own birth place. After living abroad for several years, Zorn and his wife Emma moved back to Dalarna in 1896. In the following years he made great efforts to preserve the local folk music. The traditional Midsummer celebration had diminished in the Dalarna because of the religious revival that has emerged since the mid-19th century. To counteract this, Zorn annually donated a Maypole to Morkarlby.
In his autobiographical notes, Zorn writes about how the idea for the painting was born: “This work was painted in June and part of July after sunset and I am pleased to have done it. I had just given Morkarlby a new maypole. It was painted red every Midsummer and I realised and still realise that it is my solemn duty to be present and to lead the dressing of said pole. My farmhand, dear Verner, was in charge of raising the maypole on the stroke of midnight on Midsummer night. Once it was up, a reel was played and people danced hand-in-hand around the maypole and the yards in an endless snake of youngsters. Then there was dancing in one of the yards until sunrise. This is what my painting portrays.” (维基百科)